Patient Participation Group

What is the PPG?

PIG stands for ‘Patient Participation Group’.  We are an independent group of patients who care about the way in which our surgery is run and the services it can provide.  We are a link between the patients and the surgery and we work with the practice to improve how patient needs are met.  We are also a forum to share suggestions and ideas.  We are a group of patients who assist the surgery in organising patient education events, health promotion and patient surveys.  We have a nominated Chair and Secretary who determine the agenda items and distribute the minutes of each meeting.  The practice has representatives who attend the meeting and this normally includes the Practice Manager, Assistant Practice Manager, a GP and members of the practice team. 

Benefits for the patient

We hope patients will become more responsible for their own health.  By attending the practice, patients will have a better understanding of the surgery, the challenges it faces, and what the practice is doing to improve things for patients.  The forum allows patients to express any concerns they may have.  Patients will benefit from improved communication between themselves and the staff

Benefits to the practice

The practice will benefit from patients experiences of using the service and be able to ask what is working well or requires improvement.  It allows the practice to have a forum to express ideas for future development.  It also allows the practice to get closer to the community for whom they care

How often does the PPG meet?

We meet at the surgery once a month from 2.30pm – 4pm

If you are unable to attend meetings but would still like to be a member of the PPG and contribute to the group you can join our Virtual Group

What is the Virtual PPG?

Our virtual group are patients who would like to be part of the PPG but who are unable to attend meetings at the surgery.  In essence, you can get involved by e-mail i.e. receive agendas and minutes and contribute to the meeting electronically. The group also respond to e-mails asking for patients opinions on a range of topics from our phone system to the layout of our waiting room and what should be included in our electronic patient call screen

What the PPG is not

The PPG is not a group dealing with personal medical issues and complaints.  These are personal to you and should be dealt with through the practices complaints procedure or via PALS (Patient Advisory Liaison Service) for any issues relating to the hospital service

How do I get involved?

If you are interested in joining our group, please complete our registration form and a member of the group will contact you in due course

No training is needed to become a member of the PPG.  The most important things is that you have an interest in the practice and are keen and enthusiastic in taking positive action to help improve the practice for yourself and other patients

Next meetings

Our planned meeting dates for 2020 are:-

Tuesday 14th January 2020

Tuesday 11th February 2020

Tuesday 10th March 2020

Tuesday 14th April 2020

Tuesday 12th May 2020

Tuesday 9th June 2020

Tuesday 14th July 2020

Tuesday 11th August 2020

Tuesday 8th September 2020

Tuesday 13th October 2020

Tuesday 10th November 2020

Tuesday 8th December 2020