Changes to prescription processing time

Our current turnaround of 2 working days for processing repeat prescriptions has now been increased to 3 working days (72 hours). We have found it increasingly difficult to meet our previous turnaround time due to the number of requests that we are receiving. Issuing a prescription is not straightforward; this is processed by our dispensary team and sent to a GP who has to check that the medication dose and quantity is correct, that the patient is not overdue for any blood tests, that the patient has attended for recent medication review and check that the patient is compliant with their medication. All of this takes time. To help us please can we ask the following:-Check what medication you have – please only order the medication you require and do not stockpile items Request your medication in enough time – 10 days before you run out is ideal Ensure that you attend for regular blood tests and medication reviews when requested Use the NHS App to request your medication – this is a safe and secure method of ordering and gives you a record of when this has been requested We will now send our dispensing patients a text message to confirm when their medication has been issued to avoid wasted journeys to the surgery. We will also be shortly installing a card machine to make it easier for dispensing patients to pay for their prescriptions If you have forgotten to request your medication, your pharmacy can provide you with a 5 day supply of emergency medication if you forget to order this on time Thank you for your co-operation The Doctors of Close Farm Surgery